Thursday, November 5, 2009

Hall of Fame/Shame Assignment to be completed on 11.6.09

Mr. Roark
Quiz - Hall of Fame/Shame Assignment

Hall of Fame/Shame for journalists. I want you to nominate a journalist for the Hall of Fame/Shame. You need to fill out this nomination form based on the individual’s exploits or foibles (as the case may be). If you do not know where to get started, research the topic. You may use print, television, on-line journalists (or other) – war correspondents, free-lance photographers/writers, sports reporters, etc…...A master list is provided for you. You may use one from the list, or provide your own. DO NOT submit to the substitute teacher.
Consider the following things:
1. integrity
2. writing style
3. longevity
4. global impact
5. national impact
6. pioneer potential
7. ethical treatment
8. proper protocol
9. sacrifice
10. political leanings

Nomination Form:
Journalist to be nominated: __________________________
Major Accomplishments/Sins (list 3):

Reason(s) Nominated (at least 2):

Where was he/she employed?

What makes this individual famous/infamous?

6. List three sources in MLA form.

On the back, and then on your word processor, create a 150-200 word testimonial on why your journalist deserves Hall of Fame/Shame status. Title it. Write it as it would appear in the lodown/Yost.

Part Deux (do not do this until Mr. Roark instructs you to):
Then create a poster for display with the journalist’s likeness and a creative display of his/her key journalistic focus points. Consult the samples per Mr. Roark’s explanation. You will be graded on your creativity, commitment to the process, and sophistication.

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