Monday, November 2, 2009

Chapter 17

Mr. Roark
Chapter 17: Publication and Layout Baby – Whew!

Peruse Chapter 17 and define the following terms in your own words:

1. Design-

2. Visual Logic-

3. Type-

4. Illustration-

5. White Space-

6. Newspaper Design-

7. Types of Design-

8. Principles of Layout-

9. Proportion-

10. Balance-

11. Focus-

12. Visual Dynamics-

13. Unity-

14. News Judgment-

15. Layout Out a Page-

16. 12 Rules (Yes, address each one)

Layout: Using the examples on page 315 and 319 Construct a front-page for the publication of your choice. Visually represent it below. Insert some key words to denote the uniqueness of your page’s construction (like inside box, headline, head shot, catchline, box, cutline, etc…..). Please make some rough notes on a separate sheet of paper before attempting your final layout (or just use pencil!). You may use an actual publication (like the Detroit News) for your template or create your own. It should look like the sample on 315 but should include real headlines and by lines that you created.

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