Monday, April 26, 2010

Chapter 19

Mr. Roark
Chapter 19 – Writing for broadcast p.342-351p.342

1. What four basic characteristics do all good media writings share?----

2. What is the first commitment of every broadcast journalist? ( 1 of the 4 basic characteristics) Why? Explain.

3. What is conversational style?

4. How does Conversational style meld with rules of grammar in broadcasting news?p.343

5. What is meant by emphasis on the immediate?

6. Why is broadcast writing in short, simple sentences?

7. What are the four C’s of broadcast journalism?p.343

8. List the three parts of dramatic unity:a. b. c. p.344

9. Completed Circles in broadcast news equals what to the print news story?

10. Because they are so ________________ stories must gain the attention of the viewer from the _______________.p.346

11. What is meant by “lose the accent?” Why is it important? Explain.P. 347

12. List three things to avoid when writing for broadcast.a.b.c.

13. Explain how attribution differs on broadcast news (than print):p.348

14. The broadcast writer should remember that the simple sentence- _______________, _______________, _______________ is best to use.p.349

15. Give the five bullet points of sample station rules for writing copy:a.b.c.d.e.p.345

16. Summarize the “Putting Together a Newscast” page in one paragraph (5 sentences):p.351

17. Summarize the Conclusion page in one paragraph (5 sentences):

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