Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Senior Exam Topics

Exam Review Themes for Final (May 27, 2010):
Story Construction
Downlines: Editorial
"Inverted" Funnel writing style
10 Interviewing Tips
the 5 W/H system
First Amendment Rights
Hard News Story v. Editorial (in style, voice, treatment)
Writing to be cut - conceptually and functionally
Types of Sources - stored, personal, observed
The Lead Paragraph
Editing Check List
Basic AP Style Rules - spelling, capitalization, Identification, hyphen, numbers, time, date
The future of journalism as a profession
Journalism Comes of Age
New Realities, New Journalism
Twentieth Century, Law & The Journalist
Ethical Practices, Journalism: Present and Future
Credibility, Plagiarism, Ethical Treatment, Conflict of Interest, Selective Reporting

Monday, May 24, 2010

Senior Week

Finish Strong.

Announcements: Matthews, Rogers, Bellamy

Consider the Following things:
1. Final exam- Thursday of this week
2. Senior Article: sendoff, shout-outs
3. Senior Announcement
4. clip file - 18 articles, 12 interviews

1. cell phone op/ed. piece
2. please sign up on the whiteboard for articles (including senior sendoffs, shout-outs)
3. chapter 25, 26
4. chapter 19 or 20 (this is it for chapter work)
5. clip file- 18 articles, 12 interviews

Friday, May 21, 2010

Opinion/Editorial: Cell Phones in SHS

This article is due Monday, May 24th.

Topic: Cell Phones in SHS

Question: Should students be allowed to use Cell Phones at Sparta High School? What is proper usage? When is a good time for usage to be allowed? Some parents, administrators, teachers, and students feel cell phones should be allowed, but regulated. Others feel they are disruptive to the educational environment. Remember: Cell Phones can also be used as text devices, cameras, video recorders, and even computers.

Should the phones be allowed before school? after? during passing time? at lunch?

1. 250 word minimum, multi paragraph article
2. 3 sources:
a. first person student or staff member
b. court case or lawsuit
c. online print article
3. written from a student perspective for publication (Opinion/Editorial)

Monday, May 17, 2010

Chapter 25 and 26

Mr. Roark
Chapters 25 & 26: Ethical Practices, Journalism: Present and Future

p. 466 1. What is the “Good Journalist?” What is a moral dilemma? How is it reflected in journalism?

p. 466 2. How does honesty lies at the heart of journalism? Explain.

p. 467 3. List and explain 3 Professional practices within journalism.

p. 467 4. Who or what do journalists need to respect?

p. 469 5. Explain ethical behavior and how it is specific to journalism.

p. 471 6. Define the following ethical difficulties: falsifying information-
conflict of interest-
selective reporting-

p. 481 7. What is meant by the statement “journalism is an open profession”?

p. 483 8. What is the financial state of the profession? What have the profits been like? What are they projected to be like? How is this different than what we are seeing locally with the GR Press?

p. 486 9. How do errors affect credibility?

p. 486 10. Explain sensationalism and relevance.

p. 486 11. What is intrusiveness?

p. 486 12. What is one of the ongoing problems of journalism? How can it be combated?

p. 487 13. What type of society have we become? How has this led to a changing audience/technology?

p. 488 14. According to the graph on 488, what are 5 of the most common online activities?

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Sign-Out Sheet

Please use the sign-out sheet when you leave the journalism room (F lab), even if you are traditionally in another room/lab for first block (write down where you are usually stationed at least, or where you are heading).

Students that are in the F lab should SIGN BACK IN when they return.

DO NOT just leave the F lab without signing out.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Friday, May 7: Kleyn Guest Speaker

Guest Speaker Assignment: All journalism students must write a news report following the 5w/h system, or complete the following assignment instead:

Alternative assignment - Opinion/Editorial

Write an op/ed. piece about a what words mean. How valuable are they? How important? Think about the most powerful interaction you have had with words, be they yours or someone else's (JFK Speech, President Obama's Inauguration, Lou Gerhig's Farewell, A note written or sent to you, Mr. Fix's Homecoming Speech, etc....)....How can we use speech to make the world a better place, instead of lazily allowing our words to perform injurious acts?

Think about THE most memorable moment YOU have had with words (spoken or written).

Move me with the account or the article itself.

Focus Points for May

1. Chapter work (currently 23)
2. Top Five - get it checked today!
3. Clip File - 18 articles, 12 interviews, proper attribution, story construction
4. Communication
5. Teamwork - Be a Great Teammate the rest of the year! (Spartan News, writers, editors)

Chapter 23

Mr. Roark
Chapter 23, 24 Twentieth Century, Law & The Journalist

p. 423 1. Describe the “Century of Technology.” What were 3 important events during this time?
p. 425 2. Explain why the decline of newspapers happened and why it’s even worse today.

p. 427 3. In regard to radio, what is one of the greatest achievements of mankind?

p. 428 – 430 4. Describe some of the problems with radio and the harnessing of this media. When did radio finally prosper (p. 429)?

p. 429, 430 5. What is the FCC? Who is Edward R. Murrow. Why is he important?

p. 431 6. Explain Time and the Newsmagazine 2-3 sentences.

p. 432 7. Explain what replace the age of radio. How long did it take?

p. 437 8. When did the power of newspapers begin to erode? Why?

p. 440, 441 9. Explain the following statement and how it affects newspapers: “The web is now a “place,” virtual as it may be, where people do things, and one…is getting information.”

Monday, May 3, 2010

Bell Ringer Articles

The following articles have been targeted for Bell Ringer (June Edition):

1. Prom Article (Olvera) porter/dusen
2. Water Week (Rogers or Bellamy) porter
3. Soccer Spotlight - (Matthews) _________
4. Mrs. Foust's Corner (whichever) (Woolworth) woolworth
5. Talent Show Final Update (Rogers) final is Friday Aman/Porter
6. Zoo Volunteers? (Curtis)
7. Retro Bowl (Derade) Derade
8. Spartan Idol (Derade) Porter
9. Student, Joey Fish, and Staff, DR, Spotlight (Porter and Rider) porter
10. Final Grease Update (Hilton...not relying on Marolf/anyone else) porter/rider
11. Grease: Reason for Everything (Hilton) porter/rider
12. Cha Cha in Grease - (Beuschel) porter/rider
13. HS Relationships (Olvera)
14. Art Showcase (Olvera) Lutke pic. porter/rider
15. Outstanding Sparta Artist - Harris (M. Olvera)
17. Cnossen Heading to U of D Mercy: (B. Beuschel)
18. Life in the Fast Lane (Ana Olvera) we need a pic for this if we do it! Olvera
19. Track Overview (Rykse) porter/rider
20. Chase Rau AAU Soccer Team (B. Beuschel) porter
21. Special Olympics (Schmitt) Basketball - porter

Pics and other...notify Porter or Roark immediately

Please edit and email to lance.roark@staff.spartaschools.org asap

The latest I can upload is Wednesday, April 5, 2010

communicate, communicate, communicate...keep up the whiteboard concepts, edit...inform....Let's keep doing a good job....

chapter 22

Mr. Roark
Chapter 22 – New Realities, New Journalism

p. 400 1. What changes did the profession of journalism experience during the latter part of the Nineteenth Century?

2. Newspapers grew into what?
3. The growth of journalism paralleled what?

p. 401 4. Why did journalism experience growth following the Civil War?

p. 402 5. The Industrial Age was dominated by whom?

p. 403-408 6. Explain the significance of Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst. What were their major contributions (give at least 3)?


p. 408, 409 7. List 2 of the many major advances in technology explained that aided the profession:

p. 410 8. What was the great moral issue of the day in the late nineteenth century?

p. 411 9. How were women directly targeted by journalists or publications? What were they reading during this time?

p. 412 10. Explain “Stunt Journalist” Nellie Bly and Ida B. Wells. Why were they significant?

p. 414 11. How did electricity and the light bulb affect journalism?

p. 416 12. How did advertising change/affect journalism?

p. 417 13. Explain what is meant by the term “Watchdog Press”?