Students with 10+ appearances on spartan news: Beuschel, Beuschel, Curtis, Derade, Hatchew, Matthews, Ana Olvera, Porter, Rogers...
Students with 5-10: Johnson, Klein, Panehal, Rykse, Van Dalsan...
Students with less than 5: Mazurek, Murray, Neuman, Rider, Schmitt, Schoony, Sullivan, Woolworth...
Participation means you performed as the talent or you secured someone to perform as talent...
Tuesday- Mazurek, Murray, Neuman
Wednesday- Schmitt, Schoony, Sullivan
Thursday- Van Dalsan, Rykse, Klein
Friday- Johnson, Panehal, Woolworth
Monday (5.3)- Rider, Schoony, Beuschel, Beuschel
Tuesday (5.4)- Bellamy, Hatchew, Porter, Derade
Wed. (5.5) Bell Ringer Due Date: Curtis, Klein, Olvera (Marisol)
Thurs. (5.6)- Berdan, Hilton, Matthews, Neuman, Olvera (Ana)
Fri. (5.7)- Rogers, Schoony, Mazurek
Mon. (5.10) - Matthews, Rogers (new schedule construction)
Tues (5.11) - Schmitt, Sullivan, Murray
Wed (5.12) - Neuman, Rider, VanDalsen
Thurs (5.13) - Bellamy, Derade, Hatchew
Fri (5.14) - no school
Mon (5.17) - Johnson, Ana Olvera, Rykse
Tues (5.18) - Schoony, Klein, Marisol Olvera
Wed (5.19) - Hilton, Mazurek, Berdan
Thurs (5.20) - Curtis, Beuschel, Beuschel
Fri (5. 21) - Hatchew, Porter, Woolworth
Mon (5.24) - Matthews, Rogers, Bellamy
Tues (5. 25) - Rider, Schoony, Hatchew
Wed (5.26) - Derade, Murray, Rykse
Thurs (5.27) - Ana Olvera, Porter, Berdan
Fri (5.28) Seniors Out ...Panehal, Woolworth, Johnson
Mon (5.31) Memorial Day
Tues (6.1) - Schmitt, Sullivan, Murray
Wed (6.2) - Neuman, VanDalen, Hilton
Thurs (6.3) - Mazurek, Klein, Marisol Olvera
Fri (6.4) - Curtis, Beuschel, Beuschel
Mon (6.7) - TBA
Tues (6.8) - TBA
Wed (6.9) - exam 1,3
Thurs (6.10) - exam 2,4
Monday, April 26, 2010
Chapter 19
Mr. Roark
Chapter 19 – Writing for broadcast p.342-351p.342
1. What four basic characteristics do all good media writings share?----
2. What is the first commitment of every broadcast journalist? ( 1 of the 4 basic characteristics) Why? Explain.
3. What is conversational style?
4. How does Conversational style meld with rules of grammar in broadcasting news?p.343
5. What is meant by emphasis on the immediate?
6. Why is broadcast writing in short, simple sentences?
7. What are the four C’s of broadcast journalism?p.343
8. List the three parts of dramatic unity:a. b. c. p.344
9. Completed Circles in broadcast news equals what to the print news story?
10. Because they are so ________________ stories must gain the attention of the viewer from the _______________.p.346
11. What is meant by “lose the accent?” Why is it important? Explain.P. 347
12. List three things to avoid when writing for broadcast.a.b.c.
13. Explain how attribution differs on broadcast news (than print):p.348
14. The broadcast writer should remember that the simple sentence- _______________, _______________, _______________ is best to use.p.349
15. Give the five bullet points of sample station rules for writing copy:a.b.c.d.e.p.345
16. Summarize the “Putting Together a Newscast” page in one paragraph (5 sentences):p.351
17. Summarize the Conclusion page in one paragraph (5 sentences):
Chapter 19 – Writing for broadcast p.342-351p.342
1. What four basic characteristics do all good media writings share?----
2. What is the first commitment of every broadcast journalist? ( 1 of the 4 basic characteristics) Why? Explain.
3. What is conversational style?
4. How does Conversational style meld with rules of grammar in broadcasting news?p.343
5. What is meant by emphasis on the immediate?
6. Why is broadcast writing in short, simple sentences?
7. What are the four C’s of broadcast journalism?p.343
8. List the three parts of dramatic unity:a. b. c. p.344
9. Completed Circles in broadcast news equals what to the print news story?
10. Because they are so ________________ stories must gain the attention of the viewer from the _______________.p.346
11. What is meant by “lose the accent?” Why is it important? Explain.P. 347
12. List three things to avoid when writing for broadcast.a.b.c.
13. Explain how attribution differs on broadcast news (than print):p.348
14. The broadcast writer should remember that the simple sentence- _______________, _______________, _______________ is best to use.p.349
15. Give the five bullet points of sample station rules for writing copy:a.b.c.d.e.p.345
16. Summarize the “Putting Together a Newscast” page in one paragraph (5 sentences):p.351
17. Summarize the Conclusion page in one paragraph (5 sentences):
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
edit, edit, edit, edit
publish, publish, publish
need schoony and rykse articles....
final edit at 8:30.
News Peeps...Pitch in.
publish, publish, publish
need schoony and rykse articles....
final edit at 8:30.
News Peeps...Pitch in.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
chapter 21
Mr. Roark
Chapter 21- Journalism Comes of Age – p. 379-396
p. 379 1. The idea of cheap _______________ was phenomenally successful.
p. 380 2. The New York ________ deemphasized politics and focused on human interests.
3. Who said that he wanted to publish a newspaper that would be the “pivot of government, society, commerce, finance, religion and all human civilization?
p. 381 4. List 3 things below about the man who said that. How did he get his news?:
p. 382 5. What did the Mexican War teach newspapermen of that day?
p. 384 6. Who was Samuel B. Morse? What were his significant traits?
p. 385 7. Who was William Lloyd Garrison? What did he have to do with Emancipation? What is Emancipation?
p. 386 8. Who was the editor of the North Star? Why is he significant?
p. 387 9. How do magazines differ from newspapers? List 3 ways:
p. 390-392 10. Read the section on the Civil War and define the following terms:
1. Dred Scott decision-
2. Censorship by the armed forces-
3. Battle of Fredricksburg and Henry Villard-
4. Appetite for War News-
5. Illustrators-
p. 396 11. In less than 2 generations Americans had gone from citizens of localities to citizens of a _________ _________________.
Chapter 21- Journalism Comes of Age – p. 379-396
p. 379 1. The idea of cheap _______________ was phenomenally successful.
p. 380 2. The New York ________ deemphasized politics and focused on human interests.
3. Who said that he wanted to publish a newspaper that would be the “pivot of government, society, commerce, finance, religion and all human civilization?
p. 381 4. List 3 things below about the man who said that. How did he get his news?:
p. 382 5. What did the Mexican War teach newspapermen of that day?
p. 384 6. Who was Samuel B. Morse? What were his significant traits?
p. 385 7. Who was William Lloyd Garrison? What did he have to do with Emancipation? What is Emancipation?
p. 386 8. Who was the editor of the North Star? Why is he significant?
p. 387 9. How do magazines differ from newspapers? List 3 ways:
p. 390-392 10. Read the section on the Civil War and define the following terms:
1. Dred Scott decision-
2. Censorship by the armed forces-
3. Battle of Fredricksburg and Henry Villard-
4. Appetite for War News-
5. Illustrators-
p. 396 11. In less than 2 generations Americans had gone from citizens of localities to citizens of a _________ _________________.
New Editor Email Addresses
New Email address for Alex Woolworth:
Ben Sullivan is the same:
Brandon Schmitt:
Ben Sullivan is the same:
Brandon Schmitt:
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Chapter 19 is's chapter 20
Mr. Roark
Chapter 20- Beginnings pgs. 357-373
Pg. 357 1. Journalism is at the mercy of its ___________ base.
2. Journalists write for an ___________.
3. Journalism’s history is characterized by steady development and acceptance of _________ practices.
4. The ____________ kept records, used symbols, tablets, and even developed some literature.
Pg. 358 5. The ________ precluded the printing press.
6. __________ took the alphabet from Phoenicians.
Pg. 359 7. Explain the Acta Diurna. What was it? What purpose did it serve?
8. The __________ church became the dominant power after the Roman Empire. This did not encourage intellectual breakthroughs.
Pg. 360 9. What factors implied intellectual progress in medieval times?
10. _________ type made the idea of a printing press “worth it”.
Pg. 361 11. ___________ is given credit for the movable type design.
12. With the solution of the __________ problem, people could concentrate on the audience.
Pg. 363 13. _________ ________ argued that various opinions, (even vs. the government) should be tolerated.
Pg. 364 14. __________ was a nation of staying power in its colonization efforts.
Pg. 365 15. In the New World, the ___________ and the ____________ were adequate for channeling information.
16. The first U.S. newspaper was in _________ in __________.
17. James Franklin was a notable figure in American ______________.
18. His brother ________________ was even more well-known.
Pg. 366 19. List 3 of Ben Franklin’s great contributions:
Pg. 369 20. What was happening to printers by the 1770’s (none of whom believed in freedom of the press)?
Pg. 372 21. The __________ of ___________ was our nations’ first attempt at government.
22. Politicians often appointed editors to government positions.
Name some appointees:
Pg. 373 23. What is a cylinder press? Why was it so important?
Chapter 20- Beginnings pgs. 357-373
Pg. 357 1. Journalism is at the mercy of its ___________ base.
2. Journalists write for an ___________.
3. Journalism’s history is characterized by steady development and acceptance of _________ practices.
4. The ____________ kept records, used symbols, tablets, and even developed some literature.
Pg. 358 5. The ________ precluded the printing press.
6. __________ took the alphabet from Phoenicians.
Pg. 359 7. Explain the Acta Diurna. What was it? What purpose did it serve?
8. The __________ church became the dominant power after the Roman Empire. This did not encourage intellectual breakthroughs.
Pg. 360 9. What factors implied intellectual progress in medieval times?
10. _________ type made the idea of a printing press “worth it”.
Pg. 361 11. ___________ is given credit for the movable type design.
12. With the solution of the __________ problem, people could concentrate on the audience.
Pg. 363 13. _________ ________ argued that various opinions, (even vs. the government) should be tolerated.
Pg. 364 14. __________ was a nation of staying power in its colonization efforts.
Pg. 365 15. In the New World, the ___________ and the ____________ were adequate for channeling information.
16. The first U.S. newspaper was in _________ in __________.
17. James Franklin was a notable figure in American ______________.
18. His brother ________________ was even more well-known.
Pg. 366 19. List 3 of Ben Franklin’s great contributions:
Pg. 369 20. What was happening to printers by the 1770’s (none of whom believed in freedom of the press)?
Pg. 372 21. The __________ of ___________ was our nations’ first attempt at government.
22. Politicians often appointed editors to government positions.
Name some appointees:
Pg. 373 23. What is a cylinder press? Why was it so important?
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Pop Skillz TEST
Choose one of the three global topics. Do some quick research, then write good copy. Top Stories will appear in this week's Yost/Lodown. You may quote articles. You may also gather quotes about the topic before the end of the hour. Give proper attribution. * use this symbol for credit to news sources at the end or say, "according to the USA Today."
1. Plane Crash of Polish Officials
2. Nuclear Summit: President Obama and World Leaders
3. Volcanic Eruptions shut down European Entities
1. Twenty inning, seven hour marathon baseball game
2. Ben Roethlisberger, Kevin Garnett, Milton Bradley: Sports Superstars Behaving Badly
3. NHL or NBA Playoff Preview/Predictions
Please be sure to write conventionally. Edit. Add Attribution. Give Credit.
When you have finished your final edit, print and submit to Mr. Roark. The editors and I will select our feature stories for April 22nd Edition. Then sign up on the white board ...give us you concept. This article is not in place of your weekly submission, but rather in addition to it. Start your legwork. Update your top 5. Chapter 19 will be up as well.
Good Luck
today's crew: tori, bellamy, matthews, hilton, m. olvera (i scratched porter)...and continue
1. Plane Crash of Polish Officials
2. Nuclear Summit: President Obama and World Leaders
3. Volcanic Eruptions shut down European Entities
1. Twenty inning, seven hour marathon baseball game
2. Ben Roethlisberger, Kevin Garnett, Milton Bradley: Sports Superstars Behaving Badly
3. NHL or NBA Playoff Preview/Predictions
Please be sure to write conventionally. Edit. Add Attribution. Give Credit.
When you have finished your final edit, print and submit to Mr. Roark. The editors and I will select our feature stories for April 22nd Edition. Then sign up on the white board ...give us you concept. This article is not in place of your weekly submission, but rather in addition to it. Start your legwork. Update your top 5. Chapter 19 will be up as well.
Good Luck
today's crew: tori, bellamy, matthews, hilton, m. olvera (i scratched porter)...and continue
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Focus Points for this week
1. legwork- interview, record, hustle, use multiple sources, research, dig...let porter know if you need photos....etc.....
2. lead paragraph
3. attribution......"It was a great game, a hard-fought battle," Coach Zurek said.
4. proofread/edit- make all necessary changes...get someone's eyes on your article.
5. DO NOT use ANY communication devices during journalism, including but not limited to the following: cel phones, cb radios, walkie talkies, facebook, myspace, social networking sites, chat rooms, yahoo chat.
Use only your school email or the email you use for journalism business.
2. lead paragraph
3. attribution......"It was a great game, a hard-fought battle," Coach Zurek said.
4. proofread/edit- make all necessary changes...get someone's eyes on your article.
5. DO NOT use ANY communication devices during journalism, including but not limited to the following: cel phones, cb radios, walkie talkies, facebook, myspace, social networking sites, chat rooms, yahoo chat.
Use only your school email or the email you use for journalism business.
chapter 18
Mr. Roark
Chapter 18- Broadcast Journalists
p. 328-338
p.328 1.) Broadcast reporters receive assignments from their_____________________.
2.) _________________is the world’s most pervasive medium of _____________ __________.
3.) What does pervasive mean?
p.329 4.) In America, broadcasting delivers information with______________ and _____________.
5.) According to paragraph two on page 329, what does a person need to succeed in the field of broadcasting?
6.) How important is it to write under pressure and meet deadlines?
p.330 7.) How is broadcasting journalism different from print?
8.) Define the following terms:
Information, not explanation-
Audio Visual impact-
p.331 9.) On what two levels does broadcast news take place? What is the difference?
p.332 10.) What is a news department?
11.) Anchors?
News Reporters?
p.333 12.) What are a reporters two jobs?
13.) What other news is there (besides “breaking’)?
14.) ______________ is the pervasive factor in putting together a news cast.
15.) Give four descriptions of radio formats:
p.335 16.) List the five TV formats:
p.336 17.) What can an average TV news director expect to make?
TV sports anchor?
TV news writer?
Radio news director?
Radio sports anchor?
Does this ( the salary range) surprise you? Why or why not?
18.) How do you get in to “the business?”
Chapter 18- Broadcast Journalists
p. 328-338
p.328 1.) Broadcast reporters receive assignments from their_____________________.
2.) _________________is the world’s most pervasive medium of _____________ __________.
3.) What does pervasive mean?
p.329 4.) In America, broadcasting delivers information with______________ and _____________.
5.) According to paragraph two on page 329, what does a person need to succeed in the field of broadcasting?
6.) How important is it to write under pressure and meet deadlines?
p.330 7.) How is broadcasting journalism different from print?
8.) Define the following terms:
Information, not explanation-
Audio Visual impact-
p.331 9.) On what two levels does broadcast news take place? What is the difference?
p.332 10.) What is a news department?
11.) Anchors?
News Reporters?
p.333 12.) What are a reporters two jobs?
13.) What other news is there (besides “breaking’)?
14.) ______________ is the pervasive factor in putting together a news cast.
15.) Give four descriptions of radio formats:
p.335 16.) List the five TV formats:
p.336 17.) What can an average TV news director expect to make?
TV sports anchor?
TV news writer?
Radio news director?
Radio sports anchor?
Does this ( the salary range) surprise you? Why or why not?
18.) How do you get in to “the business?”
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