Thursday, September 2, 2010

wiki address for editor and writers

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Day One

Welcome to Journalism Class. Today's agenda is as follows...

1. Introductions
2. Editing Team(s) Determined
3. Story Construction
4. Lodown Business

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Here is the syllabus for the Journalism 2010 class:

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Senior Exam Topics

Exam Review Themes for Final (May 27, 2010):
Story Construction
Downlines: Editorial
"Inverted" Funnel writing style
10 Interviewing Tips
the 5 W/H system
First Amendment Rights
Hard News Story v. Editorial (in style, voice, treatment)
Writing to be cut - conceptually and functionally
Types of Sources - stored, personal, observed
The Lead Paragraph
Editing Check List
Basic AP Style Rules - spelling, capitalization, Identification, hyphen, numbers, time, date
The future of journalism as a profession
Journalism Comes of Age
New Realities, New Journalism
Twentieth Century, Law & The Journalist
Ethical Practices, Journalism: Present and Future
Credibility, Plagiarism, Ethical Treatment, Conflict of Interest, Selective Reporting

Monday, May 24, 2010

Senior Week

Finish Strong.

Announcements: Matthews, Rogers, Bellamy

Consider the Following things:
1. Final exam- Thursday of this week
2. Senior Article: sendoff, shout-outs
3. Senior Announcement
4. clip file - 18 articles, 12 interviews

1. cell phone op/ed. piece
2. please sign up on the whiteboard for articles (including senior sendoffs, shout-outs)
3. chapter 25, 26
4. chapter 19 or 20 (this is it for chapter work)
5. clip file- 18 articles, 12 interviews

Friday, May 21, 2010

Opinion/Editorial: Cell Phones in SHS

This article is due Monday, May 24th.

Topic: Cell Phones in SHS

Question: Should students be allowed to use Cell Phones at Sparta High School? What is proper usage? When is a good time for usage to be allowed? Some parents, administrators, teachers, and students feel cell phones should be allowed, but regulated. Others feel they are disruptive to the educational environment. Remember: Cell Phones can also be used as text devices, cameras, video recorders, and even computers.

Should the phones be allowed before school? after? during passing time? at lunch?

1. 250 word minimum, multi paragraph article
2. 3 sources:
a. first person student or staff member
b. court case or lawsuit
c. online print article
3. written from a student perspective for publication (Opinion/Editorial)

Monday, May 17, 2010

Chapter 25 and 26

Mr. Roark
Chapters 25 & 26: Ethical Practices, Journalism: Present and Future

p. 466 1. What is the “Good Journalist?” What is a moral dilemma? How is it reflected in journalism?

p. 466 2. How does honesty lies at the heart of journalism? Explain.

p. 467 3. List and explain 3 Professional practices within journalism.

p. 467 4. Who or what do journalists need to respect?

p. 469 5. Explain ethical behavior and how it is specific to journalism.

p. 471 6. Define the following ethical difficulties: falsifying information-
conflict of interest-
selective reporting-

p. 481 7. What is meant by the statement “journalism is an open profession”?

p. 483 8. What is the financial state of the profession? What have the profits been like? What are they projected to be like? How is this different than what we are seeing locally with the GR Press?

p. 486 9. How do errors affect credibility?

p. 486 10. Explain sensationalism and relevance.

p. 486 11. What is intrusiveness?

p. 486 12. What is one of the ongoing problems of journalism? How can it be combated?

p. 487 13. What type of society have we become? How has this led to a changing audience/technology?

p. 488 14. According to the graph on 488, what are 5 of the most common online activities?

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Sign-Out Sheet

Please use the sign-out sheet when you leave the journalism room (F lab), even if you are traditionally in another room/lab for first block (write down where you are usually stationed at least, or where you are heading).

Students that are in the F lab should SIGN BACK IN when they return.

DO NOT just leave the F lab without signing out.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Friday, May 7: Kleyn Guest Speaker

Guest Speaker Assignment: All journalism students must write a news report following the 5w/h system, or complete the following assignment instead:

Alternative assignment - Opinion/Editorial

Write an op/ed. piece about a what words mean. How valuable are they? How important? Think about the most powerful interaction you have had with words, be they yours or someone else's (JFK Speech, President Obama's Inauguration, Lou Gerhig's Farewell, A note written or sent to you, Mr. Fix's Homecoming Speech, etc....)....How can we use speech to make the world a better place, instead of lazily allowing our words to perform injurious acts?

Think about THE most memorable moment YOU have had with words (spoken or written).

Move me with the account or the article itself.

Focus Points for May

1. Chapter work (currently 23)
2. Top Five - get it checked today!
3. Clip File - 18 articles, 12 interviews, proper attribution, story construction
4. Communication
5. Teamwork - Be a Great Teammate the rest of the year! (Spartan News, writers, editors)

Chapter 23

Mr. Roark
Chapter 23, 24 Twentieth Century, Law & The Journalist

p. 423 1. Describe the “Century of Technology.” What were 3 important events during this time?
p. 425 2. Explain why the decline of newspapers happened and why it’s even worse today.

p. 427 3. In regard to radio, what is one of the greatest achievements of mankind?

p. 428 – 430 4. Describe some of the problems with radio and the harnessing of this media. When did radio finally prosper (p. 429)?

p. 429, 430 5. What is the FCC? Who is Edward R. Murrow. Why is he important?

p. 431 6. Explain Time and the Newsmagazine 2-3 sentences.

p. 432 7. Explain what replace the age of radio. How long did it take?

p. 437 8. When did the power of newspapers begin to erode? Why?

p. 440, 441 9. Explain the following statement and how it affects newspapers: “The web is now a “place,” virtual as it may be, where people do things, and one…is getting information.”

Monday, May 3, 2010

Bell Ringer Articles

The following articles have been targeted for Bell Ringer (June Edition):

1. Prom Article (Olvera) porter/dusen
2. Water Week (Rogers or Bellamy) porter
3. Soccer Spotlight - (Matthews) _________
4. Mrs. Foust's Corner (whichever) (Woolworth) woolworth
5. Talent Show Final Update (Rogers) final is Friday Aman/Porter
6. Zoo Volunteers? (Curtis)
7. Retro Bowl (Derade) Derade
8. Spartan Idol (Derade) Porter
9. Student, Joey Fish, and Staff, DR, Spotlight (Porter and Rider) porter
10. Final Grease Update (Hilton...not relying on Marolf/anyone else) porter/rider
11. Grease: Reason for Everything (Hilton) porter/rider
12. Cha Cha in Grease - (Beuschel) porter/rider
13. HS Relationships (Olvera)
14. Art Showcase (Olvera) Lutke pic. porter/rider
15. Outstanding Sparta Artist - Harris (M. Olvera)
17. Cnossen Heading to U of D Mercy: (B. Beuschel)
18. Life in the Fast Lane (Ana Olvera) we need a pic for this if we do it! Olvera
19. Track Overview (Rykse) porter/rider
20. Chase Rau AAU Soccer Team (B. Beuschel) porter
21. Special Olympics (Schmitt) Basketball - porter

Pics and other...notify Porter or Roark immediately

Please edit and email to asap

The latest I can upload is Wednesday, April 5, 2010

communicate, communicate, communicate...keep up the whiteboard concepts, edit...inform....Let's keep doing a good job....

chapter 22

Mr. Roark
Chapter 22 – New Realities, New Journalism

p. 400 1. What changes did the profession of journalism experience during the latter part of the Nineteenth Century?

2. Newspapers grew into what?
3. The growth of journalism paralleled what?

p. 401 4. Why did journalism experience growth following the Civil War?

p. 402 5. The Industrial Age was dominated by whom?

p. 403-408 6. Explain the significance of Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst. What were their major contributions (give at least 3)?


p. 408, 409 7. List 2 of the many major advances in technology explained that aided the profession:

p. 410 8. What was the great moral issue of the day in the late nineteenth century?

p. 411 9. How were women directly targeted by journalists or publications? What were they reading during this time?

p. 412 10. Explain “Stunt Journalist” Nellie Bly and Ida B. Wells. Why were they significant?

p. 414 11. How did electricity and the light bulb affect journalism?

p. 416 12. How did advertising change/affect journalism?

p. 417 13. Explain what is meant by the term “Watchdog Press”?

Monday, April 26, 2010

Anchor Score Sheet/Schedule for 4.26-4.30

Students with 10+ appearances on spartan news: Beuschel, Beuschel, Curtis, Derade, Hatchew, Matthews, Ana Olvera, Porter, Rogers...

Students with 5-10: Johnson, Klein, Panehal, Rykse, Van Dalsan...

Students with less than 5: Mazurek, Murray, Neuman, Rider, Schmitt, Schoony, Sullivan, Woolworth...

Participation means you performed as the talent or you secured someone to perform as talent...

Tuesday- Mazurek, Murray, Neuman

Wednesday- Schmitt, Schoony, Sullivan

Thursday- Van Dalsan, Rykse, Klein

Friday- Johnson, Panehal, Woolworth

Monday (5.3)- Rider, Schoony, Beuschel, Beuschel

Tuesday (5.4)- Bellamy, Hatchew, Porter, Derade

Wed. (5.5) Bell Ringer Due Date: Curtis, Klein, Olvera (Marisol)

Thurs. (5.6)- Berdan, Hilton, Matthews, Neuman, Olvera (Ana)

Fri. (5.7)- Rogers, Schoony, Mazurek

Mon. (5.10) - Matthews, Rogers (new schedule construction)

Tues (5.11) - Schmitt, Sullivan, Murray

Wed (5.12) - Neuman, Rider, VanDalsen

Thurs (5.13) - Bellamy, Derade, Hatchew

Fri (5.14) - no school

Mon (5.17) - Johnson, Ana Olvera, Rykse

Tues (5.18) - Schoony, Klein, Marisol Olvera

Wed (5.19) - Hilton, Mazurek, Berdan

Thurs (5.20) - Curtis, Beuschel, Beuschel

Fri (5. 21) - Hatchew, Porter, Woolworth

Mon (5.24) - Matthews, Rogers, Bellamy

Tues (5. 25) - Rider, Schoony, Hatchew

Wed (5.26) - Derade, Murray, Rykse

Thurs (5.27) - Ana Olvera, Porter, Berdan

Fri (5.28) Seniors Out ...Panehal, Woolworth, Johnson

Mon (5.31) Memorial Day

Tues (6.1) - Schmitt, Sullivan, Murray

Wed (6.2) - Neuman, VanDalen, Hilton

Thurs (6.3) - Mazurek, Klein, Marisol Olvera

Fri (6.4) - Curtis, Beuschel, Beuschel

Mon (6.7) - TBA

Tues (6.8) - TBA

Wed (6.9) - exam 1,3

Thurs (6.10) - exam 2,4

Chapter 19

Mr. Roark
Chapter 19 – Writing for broadcast p.342-351p.342

1. What four basic characteristics do all good media writings share?----

2. What is the first commitment of every broadcast journalist? ( 1 of the 4 basic characteristics) Why? Explain.

3. What is conversational style?

4. How does Conversational style meld with rules of grammar in broadcasting news?p.343

5. What is meant by emphasis on the immediate?

6. Why is broadcast writing in short, simple sentences?

7. What are the four C’s of broadcast journalism?p.343

8. List the three parts of dramatic unity:a. b. c. p.344

9. Completed Circles in broadcast news equals what to the print news story?

10. Because they are so ________________ stories must gain the attention of the viewer from the _______________.p.346

11. What is meant by “lose the accent?” Why is it important? Explain.P. 347

12. List three things to avoid when writing for broadcast.a.b.c.

13. Explain how attribution differs on broadcast news (than print):p.348

14. The broadcast writer should remember that the simple sentence- _______________, _______________, _______________ is best to use.p.349

15. Give the five bullet points of sample station rules for writing copy:a.b.c.d.e.p.345

16. Summarize the “Putting Together a Newscast” page in one paragraph (5 sentences):p.351

17. Summarize the Conclusion page in one paragraph (5 sentences):

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Thursday, April 22, 2010

edit, edit, edit, edit

publish, publish, publish

need schoony and rykse articles....

final edit at 8:30.

News Peeps...Pitch in.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

chapter 21

Mr. Roark
Chapter 21- Journalism Comes of Age – p. 379-396

p. 379 1. The idea of cheap _______________ was phenomenally successful.

p. 380 2. The New York ________ deemphasized politics and focused on human interests.

3. Who said that he wanted to publish a newspaper that would be the “pivot of government, society, commerce, finance, religion and all human civilization?

p. 381 4. List 3 things below about the man who said that. How did he get his news?:


p. 382 5. What did the Mexican War teach newspapermen of that day?

p. 384 6. Who was Samuel B. Morse? What were his significant traits?

p. 385 7. Who was William Lloyd Garrison? What did he have to do with Emancipation? What is Emancipation?

p. 386 8. Who was the editor of the North Star? Why is he significant?

p. 387 9. How do magazines differ from newspapers? List 3 ways:


p. 390-392 10. Read the section on the Civil War and define the following terms:
1. Dred Scott decision-
2. Censorship by the armed forces-
3. Battle of Fredricksburg and Henry Villard-
4. Appetite for War News-
5. Illustrators-

p. 396 11. In less than 2 generations Americans had gone from citizens of localities to citizens of a _________ _________________.

New Editor Email Addresses

New Email address for Alex Woolworth:

Ben Sullivan is the same:

Brandon Schmitt:

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Chapter 19 is's chapter 20

Mr. Roark
Chapter 20- Beginnings pgs. 357-373

Pg. 357 1. Journalism is at the mercy of its ___________ base.
2. Journalists write for an ___________.
3. Journalism’s history is characterized by steady development and acceptance of _________ practices.
4. The ____________ kept records, used symbols, tablets, and even developed some literature.
Pg. 358 5. The ________ precluded the printing press.
6. __________ took the alphabet from Phoenicians.
Pg. 359 7. Explain the Acta Diurna. What was it? What purpose did it serve?

8. The __________ church became the dominant power after the Roman Empire. This did not encourage intellectual breakthroughs.
Pg. 360 9. What factors implied intellectual progress in medieval times?
10. _________ type made the idea of a printing press “worth it”.
Pg. 361 11. ___________ is given credit for the movable type design.
12. With the solution of the __________ problem, people could concentrate on the audience.
Pg. 363 13. _________ ________ argued that various opinions, (even vs. the government) should be tolerated.
Pg. 364 14. __________ was a nation of staying power in its colonization efforts.
Pg. 365 15. In the New World, the ___________ and the ____________ were adequate for channeling information.
16. The first U.S. newspaper was in _________ in __________.
17. James Franklin was a notable figure in American ______________.
18. His brother ________________ was even more well-known.
Pg. 366 19. List 3 of Ben Franklin’s great contributions:
Pg. 369 20. What was happening to printers by the 1770’s (none of whom believed in freedom of the press)?

Pg. 372 21. The __________ of ___________ was our nations’ first attempt at government.
22. Politicians often appointed editors to government positions.
Name some appointees:
Pg. 373 23. What is a cylinder press? Why was it so important?

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Pop Skillz TEST

Choose one of the three global topics. Do some quick research, then write good copy. Top Stories will appear in this week's Yost/Lodown. You may quote articles. You may also gather quotes about the topic before the end of the hour. Give proper attribution. * use this symbol for credit to news sources at the end or say, "according to the USA Today."

1. Plane Crash of Polish Officials
2. Nuclear Summit: President Obama and World Leaders
3. Volcanic Eruptions shut down European Entities

1. Twenty inning, seven hour marathon baseball game
2. Ben Roethlisberger, Kevin Garnett, Milton Bradley: Sports Superstars Behaving Badly
3. NHL or NBA Playoff Preview/Predictions

Please be sure to write conventionally. Edit. Add Attribution. Give Credit.

When you have finished your final edit, print and submit to Mr. Roark. The editors and I will select our feature stories for April 22nd Edition. Then sign up on the white board ...give us you concept. This article is not in place of your weekly submission, but rather in addition to it. Start your legwork. Update your top 5. Chapter 19 will be up as well.

Good Luck

today's crew: tori, bellamy, matthews, hilton, m. olvera (i scratched porter)...and continue

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Focus Points for this week

1. legwork- interview, record, hustle, use multiple sources, research, dig...let porter know if you need photos....etc.....

2. lead paragraph

3. attribution......"It was a great game, a hard-fought battle," Coach Zurek said.

4. proofread/edit- make all necessary changes...get someone's eyes on your article.

5. DO NOT use ANY communication devices during journalism, including but not limited to the following: cel phones, cb radios, walkie talkies, facebook, myspace, social networking sites, chat rooms, yahoo chat.

Use only your school email or the email you use for journalism business.

chapter 18

Mr. Roark
Chapter 18- Broadcast Journalists
p. 328-338

p.328 1.) Broadcast reporters receive assignments from their_____________________.
2.) _________________is the world’s most pervasive medium of _____________ __________.
3.) What does pervasive mean?

p.329 4.) In America, broadcasting delivers information with______________ and _____________.
5.) According to paragraph two on page 329, what does a person need to succeed in the field of broadcasting?



6.) How important is it to write under pressure and meet deadlines?

p.330 7.) How is broadcasting journalism different from print?

8.) Define the following terms:

Information, not explanation-

Audio Visual impact-

p.331 9.) On what two levels does broadcast news take place? What is the difference?

p.332 10.) What is a news department?

11.) Anchors?

News Reporters?

p.333 12.) What are a reporters two jobs?

13.) What other news is there (besides “breaking’)?

14.) ______________ is the pervasive factor in putting together a news cast.
15.) Give four descriptions of radio formats:



p.335 16.) List the five TV formats:





p.336 17.) What can an average TV news director expect to make?
TV sports anchor?
TV news writer?
Radio news director?
Radio sports anchor?

Does this ( the salary range) surprise you? Why or why not?

18.) How do you get in to “the business?”

Monday, March 22, 2010

Chapter 17

Mr. Roark
Chapter 17: Publication and Layout Baby – Whew!

Peruse Chapter 17 and define the following terms in your own words:


Visual Logic-



White Space-

Newspaper Design-

Types of Design-

Principles of Layout-




Visual Dynamics-


News Judgment-

Layout Out a Page-

12 Rules (Yes, address each one)

Layout: Using the examples on page 315 and 319 Construct a front-page for the publication of your choice. Visually represent it below. Insert some key words to denote the uniqueness of your page’s construction (like inside box, headline, head shot, catchline, box, cutline, etc…..). Please make some rough notes on a separate sheet of paper before attempting your final layout (or just use pencil!). You may use an actual publication (like the Detroit News) for your template or create your own. It should look like the sample on 315 but should include real headlines and by lines that you created.

Chapter 16

Mr. Roark
Chapter 16
Photo Journalism

Pg. 287
1.When assignments do not cal for specific shots, a photographer will take three kinds of photographs:
2. Describe each of the three shots (photo’s) and they what they do for the story.



Pg. 288
3. What must a good photo journalist be committed to?
Pg. 290
4. List the six rules of photojournalism and explain each one.






Pg. 291
5. List the three major purposes of publishing photographs:
6. List three photographic elements editors consider in the selection process:

Pg. 292
7. What does a picture editor do?

Pg. 293
8. What types of pictures does an editor have to work with?
9. What is cropping?

Pg. 295
10. Define the following terms:
1. Scaling-

2. Proportionally-

3. Digital Photography-

Pg. 296
4. Scarring-

5. Photoshop-

6. Dark Room-

Pg. 296/7
11. Describe the special problems of ethics and taste that an editor will face.

Pg. 298
12. What functions do outlines serve?
13. What is a skel line?
14. Summarize the four rules of writing outlines




We're Back!...Get on Schedule

After two weeks of playing "catch up," you should be back in the groove. Testing is over. Bell Ringer deadlines have been met. Now, concentrate on the following things:

1. Hall of Fame/Shame assignment: submit to stack by Mr. Roark

2. Concept: sign up now! You need a pic for your article as well

3. Article Checklist: Story formation, lead, quotes, quotes, quotes...get a source! Proper Attribution...

4. Chapter Work: it will be uploaded today

5. Other Work: Get your grades updated

6. Township Newsletter: Article, pic, headshot (we need proper names in bylines)

Friday, March 5, 2010

Sub Plans for the Week of 3.8.10 - 3.12.10

Sub Plans for Tim Stark
From: Lance Roark
Dates: March 8-12

Journalism: room F107 and F118: students will be working in both labs, laptops are under the teacher station (inside the cabinet). You will need to take these out and collect them at the end of each class

1. Textbooks – in the room
2. Seating Chart – on the teacher station, or on my desk (grey clipboard), Berdan will report F-wing absences…if absent, ask Porter or Rider
3. Blog –
4. Editors- Lodown: Alex Woolworth, Shelby Berdan (senior editor – final edit is hers); Yost: Ben Sullivan, Brandon Schmitt
5. Laptops – underneath the teacher computer in the cabinet

Monday – Students should help with Spartan news when needed
1. Sign up for a concept
2. Complete chapter work … chapters 12, 13
3. Complete Top Five and Store
4. Update Clip File
5. Legwork for your story, pictures
6. Story construction, pictures, interviews

Tuesday – No School for you

Wednesday– Students should help with Spartan news when needed
1. Complete chapter work … chapters 12, 13
2. Complete Top Five and Store, update clipfile
3. Legwork for your story, pictures
4. Story construction –edit, edit, edit, pictures, interviews

Thursday- Students should help with Spartan news when needed
1. Final edit Sent Deadline is 9:30…edit, edit, edit
2. Email stories to editor(s)
3. All eyes on paper
4. Begin Take Home 1st Six Weeks Exam for Monday……(unfinished work from Monday, Tuesday)

Friday- Students should help with Spartan news when needed
1. Print Deadline is 9:00 (Editors must check with a fine-toothed comb)
2. Berdan runs 120 copies at 9:00. If absent, Sullivan and Schmitt will do.
3. Students should “man their posts” at approx. 9:15…pass out lodown and yost
4. Take Home Exam Due on Monday…..Finish all work from Monday, Tuesday
- Students help with SN….first six weeks exam…then start the process over again.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Focus Points for Week Six: March Madness

1. Send a picture with each article when submitting to your editor for publication. Sign up on Porter's sheet DAYS in advance (let her know as soon as possible...whey you concept)...
2. Avoid playing games. I'm instructing Mr. Stark to deduct points when you do.
3. Update your clip file - It's easier to do it a little at a time then all at once.
4. Use the proper attribution: "We played a great game," Coach Zurek said.
5. Edit, Edit, Edit...bold where appropriate...use your editor's checklist
6. Have multiple stories in the hopper.
7. Meet your deadline - this week it is Wednesday at 9:27

Read p. 203, 217 for editor's AP style rules and editor checklist

1. Format early
2. Layout on the frontend (change dates, times, quotes, etc.....)
3. Interact with your writing team...touch base, follow up...don't just sit idly by and wonder what is coming in....

Monday, March 1, 2010

Week Five: Time to Streamline

Last week you were "in the groove." This week you are streamlining. Good job on the paper last week (editors and writers)!

Please reflect on this week's expectations:
1. Everyone completes chapter 9 assignment as posted (no exceptions)
2. Writers fill out a clip file before Friday (submit hard copy to Mr. Roark w/attached article)
3. Everyone should be interviewing, hustling, legworking now...For those of you that are wondering what to do, see me.

Assignments for the week:
1. concept (on the board)
2. article
3. clip file
4. chapter work (chapters 9, 10) are posted...only one more week of double hang in there....

Chapter 9

Mr. Roark
Chapter 9 Addendum: time to review some things

Use your textbook to answer the following questions. Use your “digging” powers as a journalist and find the answers (start in the index). Whether you are taking the exam or not, fill out the review sheet. Then, memorize it for the exam.

According to ch. 3 what are some staples (consistent things) in the profession of journalism? How does one get started?

Describe the author’s belief in regard to reading:

What is a clip file? Why is it important?

What is the author’s belief about internships?

According to ch. 4 what problem(s) does broadcasting cause for newspapers?

Define the following terms:
- supporting sections-

- photojournalists-

- “no common” design-

What is the editorial page?

List 5 major newspapers and describe their locale and circulation.

What is the 5W/H technique?

What are the 3 major types of sources? How are they different?

List 5 Interviewing tips:
11. Explain the following terms:
a. graphics

b. photojournalism

c. layout

d. design

12. List the 5 basic principles of design





13. List the six rules of photojournalism and explain each one.






Give examples of various editors in “departments:”
a. b. c. d.

What is a copy editor?

Why is this an important and celebrated position?

Define the following terms and explain why they are vital to the process:


18. Efficiency- Explain the following rules:
A. Capitalization-

B. Abbreviation-

C. Punctuation-

D. Numerals-

E. Spelling-

F. Usage-

19. Define attribution and then the following terms :

a. Timely news-

b. Judging information –

c. Conceptualize –

d. General assignment reporters –

e. Beat reporters –

f. Sources –

g. Personal sources –

h. Interviewing –

i. Relationship with source/editor –

j. Editor(s) jobs –

Chapter 11

Mr. Roark
Chapter 11 – Style

1. _____________ is the mark of any professional writer.
2. The above term means how well he/she uses the ______________.
3. _______ _______ ________ and _________ ________ are the main source of rules for journalists.
4. According to the AP stylebook, how does one write AM or PM (not like this).

5. How does a reporter write time, date, place?

6. Why does style matter?

7. __________ are the governors of style for a publication.

8. Explain the following rules:
A. Capitalization-

B. Abbreviation-

C. Punctuation-

D. Numerals-

E. Spelling-

F. Usage-

9. Conventions include basic _________ of stories and individual _________ ___ __________. they even include ___________ within sentences.
10. Explain the Inverted Pyramid.

11. What does an obit look like in the New York Times?

12. _____________ is a tenet of American journalism.
13. What is overplay?


14. Explain the concept of the Impersonal Reporter?

15. Stating opinions directly is an ______________ practice.

16. Young journalists often make the mistake of relying too heavily on whom or what?

17. Those “young journalists” interview whom usually?

18. Define attribution :


19. All quotes must be ______________.
20. Why could “all men are created equal” be taken as a slight?

21. What is a sexist pronoun? How can you avoid it?

22. Memorize page 203
23. Fireman should be _____________.
Mailman should be _________________.
24. Should racial descriptions and references be used?

25. What is the problem with stereotypes?

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Week Four: Get in the Groove

Chapters 7, 8 are posted near the front of the blog. Due Friday. Don't forget your work from Friday, and previous days...(top 5, etc....)

Please sign up for your concept on the board.
Please follow the format for a news story listed previously on the blog.
Edit, Edit, Edit. Submit to your editor via email, cross out concept.

All Eyes on Paper on Thursdays.

Editors: start formatting TODAY. Don't wait until Thursday (Sullivan, this means you).

I will ban all talk of wrestling, singlets, weight classes, Bubba Gritter, Bubba the Love Sponge, and whatever else it takes to increase our productivity.

Where's the special Olympics article (hoops)?

Chapter 8

Mr. Roark
Chapter 8

PG 139
1. “... to see and to hear and to feel for the rest of us and then… to tell us the reality that is beyond our reach…”
-What does this quote mean in regard to a reporter’s “job?”

2. Who makes journalism?
3. What is the essential act of journalism?
4. Summarize the last chapter of page 139. Are you living up to this? Why or why not?

PG 141
5. Define the following terms:
-timely news:

-judging information:


-general assignment reporters:

-beat reporters:
PG 142

-personal sources:


-relationship with source:
-relationship with editor:

-editor’s job(s):
PG 144
6. Under personal characteristics, explain why the following are essential for a reporter.
a. curiosity:

b. boldness:

c. tenacity:

d. retentive memory:
PG 145
e. ­__________________ - because most of a reporter’s life is spent interviewing.
f. __________________ - because they have no subpoena power.
g. willingness to work hard-

h. competitiveness:

I. integrity:

j. accurate and fair:
PG 146
Summarize the section, Becoming a Professional (things to address: point of view, questioning assumptions, check, re-check accuracy, availability, scoop).

PG 148
Explain the following sentences:
a. “Being a reporter is not a good job choice for everyone.”

b. “One common characteristic is the desire to practice the craft.”

Chapter 7

Mr. Roark
Chapter 7

PG. 116
Why did the capture of Hussein come at such a bad time for newspapers?

How did news outlets adjust?

What is “electronic product?”

What is meant by the statement “The web threatens to change just about everything in journalism?”

PG 118
Explain the following things:






-Permanence (pg 121)

-Interactivity (pg 122)

-News Web Site (pg 123)

-Shovel ware

PG 125
What is the difference between aggressive and moderate updating?

PG 127
Reproduce the News Web Site Organizational Chart.

PG 131
List some of the credibility questions that are present within “the web:”

PG 132
What is a web log?

PG 133
Why and how did web logs proliferate?

PG 134
11. Why is the following statement true: “individuals, small groups, and corporations have gotten into the news business.”

Friday, February 19, 2010

Article Construction Day: Sharpen your SKILLZ

Everyone (even editors) must submit an article today (150-word minimum).

Follow this progression:
1. pick a topic from the 3 choices-

a. Tiger Woods op./ed. piece (he has a press conference today)
b. Haiti relief update
c. Winter Olympics hard news story or op./ed. piece.

2. read 5 articles on line about your topic to provide research (this will serve as week 4's top 5...copy and past the address and lead paragraph.

3. interview at least 2 Sparta students for feedback, opinion, quotes, thoughts....

4. construct your article with a strong lead, proper attribution, and write it to cut (inverted funnel). if it is an op./ed. piece, research the editorial piece in your textbook by using the glossary/index in the back of the book before you start.

5. print your article and submit to Mr. Roark. DO NOT email it.

When finished, work on chapter work, legwork, articles in the hopper, etc...

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

No Games Grade Reduction Update

The "no games" grade in powerschool will revert to full credit at the end of the first six weeks as long as the student does not play games.

Chapters 5, 6

Mr. Roark
Chapter 5

P. 81
1. Who was Jann Wenner and what was his idea?
P. 82
2. As of 2002, how many titles were listed in the national Directory of Magazines? _________
3. List the reasons why someone would be drawn to writing for a magazine:
P. 83
4. How high is the “standard of journalism” compared to a newspaper? Explain.
5. How many times should a magazine writer expect to change jobs? Why?
6. Describe the day to day “work” of a magazine journalist. Does this surprise you? Why or why not?

P. 84
7. List and explain the four major types of magazines:
P. 85
List the tope 10 circulated magazines and their average paid circulation:

P. 87
9. What are the three parts of the magazine triad?
3.p. 88
10. Describe each part:
P. 90
11. Draw a magazine organizational chart:

P. 92
12. What is the average salary by region for editor-in-chief?
North Central:
P. 93
13. Who were Henry Luce and Briton Haden? What did they create and why was it unique?
14. What type of writing did they develop that people came to enjoy? How did this differ from newspapers?
15. Explain what an extended feature story is:
P. 94
16. ______________ cannot be overemphasized in journalism.
17. A staple of a magazine writing is the _______ profile.
P. 95
18. Since a “playboy” interview does not require many writing techniques, what things must a journalist do?
19. The term literacy journalism refers to a ________ of writing and an __________ to the subject.
20. The problem is that to be considered journalism – such writing must adhere to the ____________ of accuracy.
P. 96
21. What are the most romantic professional (journalistic) thoughts a young journalist can have?

22. Many people who want to get into the field of magazine journalism do so by accepting _____________ _____________.
23. Knowing a ____________ and the ______________ _____ _________________ that it publishes is the first step in the freelance process.
P. 98
23. Why is there much opportunity for freelance writing for young writers?

24. Describe the future of magazines:

Mr. Roark
Chapter 6 101-116

PG. 101
1.) _______________ is the father of broadcast news.
2.) The ____________ ____ __________________ _______________ come from his practices.
3.) The ____________ of broadcasting used sound and then sight to create a means of communication.
4.) Another characteristic of broadcast new is its __________________.
PG. 102
5.) Describe what commentators call the “global village.” Why is this like the colonial days?

6.) _____________ brings us together in a way no other medium can.
7.) Harnessing ________________ is the key to radio communication.
8.) Explain the findings of Marconi. DeForest, and Fessinden.

9.) Electronic waves travel how fast?

10.) What was the first major news event in which radio communication played an important roll?

11.) How long did it take to develop the concept of radio as a mass medium? Why? Explain.

12.) The two major formats for radio are ________ and _____________.
13.) What is the difference between commercial and non commercial radio stations?

PG. 104
14.) What two shows have set a high standard for news radio? Why? How?

15.) How many commercial stations reach this high standard? Why? Why not ?

PG 105
16.) The dominance of the current radio system is being challenged by what two things? Why?


17.) (on a separate sheet of paper) Reproduce the radio organizational chart:

PG 107
18.) Stations (TV) make almost all their money by selling what?

19.) What is an affiliated station?

20.) What do national networks provide for stations?

21.) _____________ was referred to as “the most trusted man in America?”

22.) Cable television represents a major turn in television, why? Explain.

PG 108
23.) Reproduce a television organizational chart:
PG 109
24.) What are the top five cable TV companies (as of 2001)?
PG 110
25.) What types of news shows developed after 1940?
PG 111
26.) What are some of the criticisms of television news shows?
1. 3.
2. 4.
27.) List the top five broadcast television companies.
1. 4.
2. 5.
PG 113
28.) Explain the stringent government regulations that broadcasting operates under.

29.) Who is the “traffic cop” of broadcasting? What is their role?

30.) Most of the regulations the FCC has imposed on broadcasts have to do with ______,________, and __________ matters.
31.) Describe the future of broadcasting:

Friday, February 12, 2010

Game Playing

Please Refrain from playing games in the F-wing labs during Journalism class. I have been expressly advised by the computer department and the administration to disallow ANY games in the lab. Also, use of video should be kept to a minimum, and only for class use. I have created a "no games" category in the grading program for those who continue to play. Every time I see you playing, it will be another 10 points deducted from your grade. If I see it 3 times, we will have to refer to the acceptable use policy and apply the discipline per the SHS handbook. Again, please make use of your time. Do leg work, set up interviews, construct stories, chapter work, update your top 5, take pictures, help your editor(s)... (chapter work is ALL on this blog already posted)...even do work for other classes if you are done for the week...whatever...Don't be a time waster. When so many other people are contributing so much, it's not fair to the team.

Friday, February 5, 2010

ALL EYES on PAPER. Final Edit today. There are email problems, you may have to save to a memory stick and transfer. Print @ 9:00. Get your chapter work, etc...going after that. Read the following post and refresh your memory on a good lead paragraph. Update your top 5.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Sample Lead Paragraphs

Ripped from the pages of the Grand Rapids Press...

1. Hard News Story:

LANSING (where)-- Gov. Jennifer Granholm (who) today (when) endorsed (what) taxing the sale of most personal services, reducing the sales tax rate from 6 percent to 5.5 percent, and using the proceeds to cut business taxes and bolster funding for K-12 schools.

The tax overhaul provides the foundation of the fiscal 2011 budget plan that Granholm presented to lawmakers in the Capitol this morning (why). The blueprint closes an estimated $1.6 billion gap in revenues and expenditures.

the how is to come.....

2. Sports Story:

NEW ORLEANS (where)-- Only a Super Bowl victory parade (what) could upstage Mardi Gras in New Orleans.
Carnival floats carrying Saints players, coaches and team owner Tom Benson (who) rolled past tens of thousands of jubilant fans in downtown New Orleans on Tuesday (when), two days after the 43-year-old franchise won its first NFL championship (why).

the how is to come...

Deadlines, Deadlines, Deadlines....

The Week Two Deadline is today at 9:30.

EVERYONE except the editors must have an article submitted, emailed to your page editor.

There is no grace this week.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Tuesday, February 9th

To Do List:

1. sign up for a concept - please cross out after sending to editor (on the whiteboard)
2. legwork
3. chapters 3, 4
4. store articles (creating clip file)
5. edit, edit, edit
6. top 5 - due Friday

Please use Mr. Stoy's lanyard passes when out of class

Please keep your editors in the loop as to what you have coming in this week.

Grades are posted. Be sure to turn in your work. If you have questions, or were not given proper credit, please contact Mr. Roark.

Chapter 4

Mr. Roark
Chapter 4 – Newspapers

Short Answer: Provide the appropriate response.
1. Who are the major practitioners of journalism today?

2. The newspaper is what to modern society?

3. Is the newspaper’s role the same today as it was fifty years ago? Explain in 3-5 sentences.

4. What began to rival newspapers in the 1930’s and 30’2?
5. What captured the attention and provided a different look and feel…?
6. In the 1980’s what further challenged the newspapers viewership/readership?

7. Explain Declining Readership. List 3 reasons for his and give some statistics to prove your point.

8. List all the holdings of the Gannett Corporation. What do they own? Could this be a potential problem? Explain your answer.

9. Define the following things related to Organizational Structure:
a. Editor-
b. Managing Editor-
c. Section Editor-
d. Supporting Sections-
e. Editorial Page-

List 3 supporting sections of a newspaper and explain what each section does. What is their specific job?



Major players: List 3 major U.S. newspapers and explain what is unique about each. Also, explain their relationship and give statistical data to support the answer(s).



The Future:
Describe the future of newspapers:

When was a measure of the newspaper’s decline seen?
Where did people turn for news?
Why is the newspaper likely to survive?

Chapters 3

Mr. Roark
Chapter 3

PG. 43
1. Journalism is a profession that requires no ___________________ or special ____________ to enter the field
2. Most people, though, go through a training ___________ that may take years and never stops
3. The first step is to:

4. Journalists are interested in the __________ around them. They are genuinely___________.

5. The wide range of knowledge a journalist needs comes through ___________.

PG. 44
6. Reading also helps develop __________ skills.
7. ____________ is the number one skill people look for when hiring journalists.
8. Journalists must have knowledge of the rules of _________, spelling, and ___________. They should also have a wide _________.
Learn about the field
9. List some publications that pay a lot of attention to the media and the field of journalism:

10. List some of the organizations journalists can join:

11. List 2 books you could read to learn about journalism in a “real” sense (the dirty truth):

Get Training
12. What does on look for when choosing a college?


Go To Work
13. Journalism is a matter of _______________.
When can you practice?

PG. 47
14. Summarize the GETTING HELP section on pg 47.

PG. 49
15. Examine the resume. Specifically under “professional and world experience” and “other activities” what theme is evident? What can you learn from Tracy L. Jones?

PG. 50
16. What is a clip file?

17. What is an internship?

18. How can an internship be so beneficial?

19. Having an internship can take a graduating student a long way toward getting his or her _________ ____________.
20. Journalism is a highly ____________ field. It takes ____________ and ____________.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Friday, February 5, 2010

Please refer to the earlier post on the blog if you are confused about the acceptable practices/use policies... The computer teachers have informed me that some students have been non-compliant with these policies.

2 focus points:
1. No one should be playing games on the computers (this is a computer department/hs policy). Please refrain from playing on line games of any kind.
2. Streaming of video - this is allowed, but let's keep it to under 5 minutes. We can't eat up the bandwidth. Feel free to view news reports, sports hilights, etc...when appropriate. DO NOT stream music or video continuously at any time.

1. top 5
2. separated at birth

if finished....concept for next week, chapters 3, 4.....other work....

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Publish Day: All hands on deck!

In preparation for publishing and dissemination, please do the following things:

1. edit your article
2. bold names, major info.
3. email to your editor
4. get "all eyes" on the publication before printing
5. "man" your post at 9:15

* don't forget to submit chapters 10, 1, and 2
* clip file started
* separated at birth tomorrow
* top 5 tomorrow

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Tuesday, February 2nd

1. sorry...6 more weeks of winter...happy ground hog's day

2. consult the "front" of the blog for chapters 1, 2, syllabus, themes, topics, explanations

3. chapter work/concept - article and chapters due wed. @ 9:30...peer edit, email editor, bold names, places, key info.

4. top 5 and sep. at birth(f) - due friday

5. BELL RINGER! Journalism III...ALL hands on deck! these are due February 3rd! We need to get on this pronto.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Editor email addresses for second semester 2010

lodown Editor:
Alex Woolworth -

yost Editors:
national, local, other sports articles: Brandon Schmitt -
Sparta Sports: Ben Sullivan -

Senior Editor (bell ringer, bi-monthly newsletter, archivist, logistics):
Shelby Berdan: -

Photo Editors:
Ariel Porter -, Alexis Rider:

Focus Points for the Week of Feb. 1

1. concept
2. beat? sign up if you desire one...
3. chapter work -chapters 10, 1, 2 due on Wednesday (email Mr. Roark you answers or turn in a hard copy)...consult the September entries on the blog for journalism I, book for journalism II, and journalism III students are submitting "Exam" questions (10 total questions with correct answers)
4. top 5 - always in play
5. separated at birth(f)...develop one - due Friday
6. clip file (consult September entry on blog)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Chapter 10

Mr. Roark
Chapter 10 worksheet

T/F: Place a T in the black if the statement is true. F if it is false.
1. ___All writing for the mass media has four characteristics: accuracy, precision, efficiency, and clarity.
2. ___Accuracy is a major theme in writing.
3. ___Precision is a basic means of achieving accuracy.
4. ___English is the basic tool of the profession. If you can’t master it, people will not take you seriously.
5. ___Good journalists must be verbose and include all facts no matter how long it takes.
6. ___Writers need not to worry about and conventions for story acceptability.
7. ___Attribution is a convention and news stories which involves giving money to just causes.
8. ___Attribution establishes a writer’s credibility.
9. ___Most major facts of a news story should be attributed to some source.
10. ___A common verb of attribution is the word said.

Explain 2 of the 4 other writing conventions in 3-5 sentences: 1. Short Sentences 2. Short paragraphs
3. Third Person 4. Attitude for Accuracy. Why is that convention important? What is its purpose?


Use the space provided to draw the inverted pyramid and label it with 5 lines according to the diagram in your textbook. Explain the pyramid in 3-5 sentences. What is the purpose?

Explain in 3-5 sentences a lead paragraph. What purposes does it serve? Why is it important?
Describe and explain the 5W/H method. What is it? Why is it important?

Monday, January 25, 2010

Exam Review Day

Observe the topics below:

1. "Inverted" Funnel writing style- Most important to least important
2. List of Interviewing Tips - 10 + available in text book
3. 5 W/H system - Who, what, when, where, why, how
4. First Amendment Rights
5. Hard News Story v. Editorial (in style, voice, treatment)
6. Writing to be cut - conceptually and functionally
7. Types of Sources - stored, personal, observed
8. The Lead Paragraph - include the vital info. and write to be cut from there
9. Editing Check List - see example in text
10. Attribution - punctuation, subject, said
11. Basic AP Style Rules - spelling, capitalization, Identification, hyphen, numbers, time, date
12. The future of journalism as a profession (consult chapters 23-26) .

Pick a partner to work with. Address each topic by explaining the necessary elements for understanding. Write 4-6 sentences on each topic. Word Process and Print (or Write your answers on a piece of notebook paper). Place first and last names on the paper.

Submit to Mr. Roark.

Then, finish up your clip file and you should be ready to go for tomorrow.

See Mr. Roark if you have questions about the exam, your grade, or late work.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Exam Review Topics: students should list and explain

The following topics will specifically be tested on the cumulative final exam (the final exam constitutes 10% of the final grade):

1. "Inverted" Funnel writing style- Most important to least important
2. List of Interviewing Tips - 10 + available in text book
3. 5 W/H system - Who, what, when, where, why, how
4. First Amendment Rights
5. Hard News Story v. Editorial (in style, voice, treatment)
6. Writing to be cut - conceptually and functionally
7. Types of Sources - stored, personal, observed
8. The Lead Paragraph - include the vital info. and write to be cut from there
9. Editing Check List - see example in text
10. Attribution - punctuation, subject, said
11. Basic AP Style Rules - spelling, capitalization, Identification, hyphen, numbers, time, date
12. The future of journalism as a profession (consult chapters 23-26)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Chapters 25, 26

Mr. Roark
Chapters 25 & 26: Ethical Practices, Journalism: Present and Future

p. 466 1. What is the “Good Journalist?” What is a moral dilemma? How is it reflected in journalism?

p. 466 2. How does honesty lies at the heart of journalism? Explain.

p. 467 3. List and explain 3 Professional practices within journalism.

p. 467 4. Who or what do journalists need to respect?

p. 469 5. Explain ethical behavior and how it is specific to journalism.

p. 471 6. Define the following ethical difficulties: falsifying information-
conflict of interest-
selective reporting-

p. 481 7. What is meant by the statement “journalism is an open profession”?

p. 483 8. What is the financial state of the profession? What have the profits been like? What are they projected to be like? How is this different than what we are seeing locally with the GR Press?

p. 486 9. How do errors affect credibility?

p. 486 10. Explain sensationalism and relevance.

p. 486 11. What is intrusiveness?

p. 486 12. What is one of the ongoing problems of journalism? How can it be combated?

p. 487 13. What type of society have we become? How has this led to a changing audience/technology?

p. 488 14. According to the graph on 488, what are 5 of the most common online activities?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Chapter 23 & 24

Mr. Roark
Chapter 23, 24 Twentieth Century, Law & The Journalist

p. 423 1. Describe the “Century of Technology.” What were 3 important events during this time?
p. 425 2. Explain why the decline of newspapers happened and why it’s even worse today.

p. 427 3. In regard to radio, what is one of the greatest achievements of mankind?

p. 428 – 430 4. Describe some of the problems with radio and the harnessing of this media. When did radio finally prosper (p. 429)?

p. 429, 430 5. What is the FCC? Who is Edward R. Murrow. Why is he important?

p. 431 6. Explain Time and the Newsmagazine 2-3 sentences.

p. 432 7. Explain what replace the age of radio. How long did it take?

p. 437 8. When did the power of newspapers begin to erode? Why?

p. 440, 441 9. Explain the following statement and how it affects newspapers: “The web is now a “place,” virtual as it may be, where people do things, and one…is getting information.”

p. 445 10. Why are the methods of journalism under constant scrutiny? Why is the 1st Amendment vital?

p. 448 11. What was the corruption in Minneapolis?

p. 451 12. What important rights does the 1st Amendment grant (5)?

p. 453 13. What is defamation? What is libel? What constitutes libel? What 4 areas have “won” libel cases?

p. 457 14. In regard to Copyright law, what 4 things determine “fair use?”

p. 458 15. Why do journalists need to be aware of privacy?

p. 459 16. What is privilege? Free press – fair trial?

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Chapter 22

Mr. Roark
Chapter 22 – New Realities, New Journalism

p. 400 1. What changes did the profession of journalism experience during the latter part of the Nineteenth Century?

2. Newspapers grew into what?
3. The growth of journalism paralleled what?

p. 401 4. Why did journalism experience growth following the Civil War?

p. 402 5. The Industrial Age was dominated by whom?

p. 403-408 6. Explain the significance of Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst. What were their major contributions (give at least 3)?


p. 408, 409 7. List 2 of the many major advances in technology explained that aided the profession:

p. 410 8. What was the great moral issue of the day in the late nineteenth century?

p. 411 9. How were women directly targeted by journalists or publications? What were they reading during this time?

p. 412 10. Explain “Stunt Journalist” Nellie Bly and Ida B. Wells. Why were they significant?

p. 414 11. How did electricity and the light bulb affect journalism?

p. 416 12. How did advertising change/affect journalism?

p. 417 13. Explain what is meant by the term “Watchdog Press”?