Thursday, December 17, 2009

Holiday Wishes

Take a moment on Friday, December 18th to peruse your grade and individual assignments. Update your top 5 and clip file. Make sure you are on schedule to exit the class with 18 articles, 12 interviews, a best work, hall of fame assignment, and self-evaluations. Chapter work can also help to "beef up" your grade. If you have any questions, consult Mr. Roark.

To all writers and contributors:

Thanks for making this a great first 4 months. We have accomplished much and are on the cusp of being a mult-media powerhouse once again. That is only possible if students are self-motivated and self-directed. Thanks for being a great group to work with.

Have a great break. Happy Holidays.

Mr. Roark

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

1st Semester Schedule extended 3 days; exams pushed back until Jan. 26, 27

Memo from the desk of...Mr. Spencer, SHS Principal


Due to the number of days missed due to illness and snow, we will be extending the 1st semester by 3 days. Without this adjustment, the 1st semester would be 11 instructional days shorter than the 2nd semester. This adjustment provides much needed balance.

New Calendar:

Jan 19 and 20 were Exams days, are now normal days of instruction.

Jan 21 and 22 Mid-Winter Break

Jan 25 is a normal day of instruction.

Jan 26 and 27 are Exam days.

Jan 28 start of the second semester.

Please make the noted changes in your personal calendars/agendas,

Mr. Matt Spencer
Sparta High School

Monday, December 14, 2009

Christmas Article: Due Tuesday

Please submit an article (email to your editor) this week from one of the three following categories:

1. Holiday traditions that are good/pointless...Opinion/Editorial

2. Holiday gifts for Sparta Personalities/National-Local Celebritites...Humorous/Satirical

3. Humorous or Enlightening Personal Narrative

The deadline for this article is Tuesday, December 15, 2009.

Chapter 21: submit hard copy to Mr. Roark

Mr. Roark
Chapter 21- Journalism Comes of Age – p. 379-396

p. 379 1. The idea of cheap _______________ was phenomenally successful.

p. 380 2. The New York ________ deemphasized politics and focused on human interests.

3. Who said that he wanted to publish a newspaper that would be the “pivot of government, society, commerce, finance, religion and all human civilization?

p. 381 4. List 3 things below about the man who said that. How did he get his news?:


p. 382 5. What did the Mexican War teach newspapermen of that day?

p. 384 6. Who was Samuel B. Morse? What were his significant traits?

p. 385 7. Who was William Lloyd Garrison? What did he have to do with Emancipation? What is Emancipation?

p. 386 8. Who was the editor of the North Star? Why is he significant?

p. 387 9. How do magazines differ from newspapers? List 3 ways:


p. 390-392 10. Read the section on the Civil War and define the following terms:
1. Dred Scott decision-
2. Censorship by the armed forces-
3. Battle of Fredricksburg and Henry Villard-
4. Appetite for War News-
5. Illustrators-

p. 396 11. In less than 2 generations Americans had gone from citizens of localities to citizens of a _________ _________________.